Welcome to the Pretty Powerful Podcast with Angela Gennari

Nancy Cavey

Nancy Cavey Profile Photo


In her late teens, Nancy's father was diagnosed with leukemia. As someone who witnessed firsthand the devastating emotional and financial impact on both individuals and family that being disabled and filing for benefits can have, Nancy is not just an attorney, but an empathetic presence who understands what claimants are going through. She represents people across the United States in getting their Social Security and Long-Term Disability benefits.

Nancy has spent her career working tirelessly on behalf of Americans who have not received fair treatment or promised benefits. In doing so, she has written a number of consumer-friendly guides to disability, including The Disability Insurance Claim Survival Guide for Professionals and Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits. She is a member of the National Organization of Social Security Claims Representatives (NOSSCR). While she has a nationwide practice, she is licensed in Florida and the District of Columbia.