Welcome to the Pretty Powerful Podcast with Angela Gennari

Susan Owen

Susan Owen Profile Photo

President & CEO

There’s that vulnerable space between someone’s creativity and the public’s opportunity to enjoy it. That’s where Susan Owen and her team at Millenia3 come in.

Some ads are more entertaining than the program (think Superbowl) and without people like Susan we’d never get to enjoy them. But it doesn’t stop there.

Susan and her team at Millenia3 are the keepers of the keys, the guardian of all the doorways, making sure ads get from the artistic vision stage to public consumption. What most people don’t know is there are dozens of steps in between. From concept, M3 begins an extensive review process, making sure all content passes the highest quality control standards, stand up to legal scrutiny, and never get lost in S&P. Working with traffic departments from your favorite channels and platforms to tactfully schedule your message at just the right time for maximum impact is step two. And, most importantly, M3’s airplay verification process ensures the client’s spots surface when they are supposed to, or else.

Susan must keep her finger on the pulse of the advertising industry. She’s Mrs. Relevant, and her clients – among the largest in the business – rely on her to keep them safe. In an ever-evolving industry, M3 always advocates for its clients to keep them current, to keep them safe.

M3 makes the impossible happen. They bring their clients’ vision to reality.