Imagine being a recent college graduate starting out in your career, when your father tells you about this great product he invented, and asks for your help in building a company around it. BIOLYTE was invented by Jesslyn's father as an "IV in a bottle" to provide much needed rehydration for her mother who was battling breast cancer at the time. With no business background, not only did Jesslyn step in to help bring the product to the public, she has been able to build a multi-million brand with a solid company structure.
Jesslyn tells us about her grassroots effort going directly to sports teams to get feedback on the product, experience working with a distributor, a costly mistake she made in promoting her brand online, and how her background in theater helps her to crush it on sales calls! Jesslyn's charismatic personality and engaging story telling made this one of my most favorite interviews so far... listen to see why :-)