Welcome to the Pretty Powerful Podcast with Angela Gennari

Dannie DeNovo

Dannie DeNovoProfile Photo

Bestselling Author and Happiness Coach

Dannie De Novo is a happiness coach and international bestselling author. After having battled depression and anxiety for most of her early life, Dannie set out on a course to learn what true happiness was for her and for the sake of her baby girl. Now, Dannie regularly appears on ABC, Fox, NBC, and CBS TV news and talk shows as an expert on creating happiness, combating loneliness and depression, and managing anxiety.

Aug. 23, 2022

Episode 23: Dannie DeNovo

How did Dannie DeNovo go from a lifetime of suffering from depression to becoming a renowned Happiness Coach? She found her "why"! Dannie explains to Angela in this episode how she was able to not just overcome, but thrive, …
Guest: Dannie DeNovo