Welcome to the Pretty Powerful Podcast with Angela Gennari

Kavitta Ghai

Kavitta GhaiProfile Photo

Co-Founder & CEO

Meet the woman who’s on a mission to completely revolutionize the way we teach and learn. Kavitta Ghai founded Nectir while she was still a student at UC Santa Barbara after spending the first two years desperately wanting to dropout of college. She’s always known that our 400-year-old education system needs a complete overhaul, so she built the solution she knew her and her peers needed. In less than a year, she got her entire university of 27,000 students to use Nectir in almost every class, and UCSB signed a 7-year license to keep this innovation at the center of their educational experience. Now, she’s on a mission to bring Nectir to every classroom in the world and transform the way we experience learning itself.

March 22, 2023

Episode 51 - Kavitta Ghai

I believe that the very best business ideas come from seeking a solution to a problem, not finding it, having the courage and tenacity to solve the problem yourself, and then marketing it to others who would benefit from the…
Guest: Kavitta Ghai