Welcome to the Pretty Powerful Podcast with Angela Gennari

Kelly Springer

Kelly SpringerProfile Photo

Owner of kelly’s choice

Kelly springer started Kellys Choice in 2012. The company strives to educate people on how to incorporate real food into their diets. Kelly’s choice has dietitians across the US and their workplace wellness platform is in hundreds of companies nationwide. She is the spokesperson for hundreds of food brands and appears on television in multiple cities every month. She writes for several news outlets, including, Newsmax and GNC. Her goal is to get people healthier through nutrition habits they can live a long and happy life.

Feb. 14, 2023

Episode 46: Kelly Springer

If you've ever wondered which fad diet, if any, actually work, and what foods we really should be avoiding or consuming (hint... carbs are NOT all bad for you), then you will love this discussion with Kelly Springer! Kelly i…