Welcome to the Pretty Powerful Podcast with Angela Gennari

Susan Landers, MD

Susan Landers, MDProfile Photo


Dr. Susan Landers is a neonatologist -- a pediatrician with extra training in the care of sick and premature babies. She attended Auburn University and the Medical University of South Carolina. She completed pediatric residency training at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, Texas, and a neonatology fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, Texas. Dr. Landers practiced academic neonatology for fourteen years, on the faculty of two medical schools. After that, she worked for Pediatrix Medical Group in private practice neonatology for eighteen years. While caring for patients full-time in private practice, she served as a speaker for the Texas Department of State Health Services. She was the Medical Director of the Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin and served on the milk bank’s board of directors. She was elected as a Fellow in the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. Additionally, she served on the Executive Committee of the Section on Breastfeeding for the AAP for six years. Together with her husband, Dr. Phillip Berry, she raised three children, one son and two daughters. She is retired and resides in Austin, Texas.

Jan. 10, 2023

Episode 1: Dr Susan Landers

Dr Susan Landers has vast experience practicing neonatology in the NICU for thirty-five years... but while taking care of our most vulnerable humans, she wasn't taking care of herself, leading to burnout. This lead her down …